Despite the ongoing drama between his best friend Cubana Chief Priest and rival Burna Boy, Davido is choosing to focus on his family. The singer recently shared a sweet photo with his billionaire father, Adewale, and sister, Sharon, along with their families.
The picture, which was posted on Davido’s Instagram story, shows the family having a great time together. It’s clear that Davido is prioritizing his loved ones and enjoying the festive season with them.
The feud between Cubana Chief Priest and Burna Boy started when Burna Boy called Cubana Chief Priest “Owerri Rickross” on social media. Cubana Chief Priest responded by digging up old videos and sharing never-before-heard details about Burna Boy.
Interestingly, Davido has remained silent throughout the drama, leaving his fans wondering if he will respond. Given his history with Burna Boy, many expected Davido to weigh in on the situation. However, it seems he’s choosing to rise above the drama and focus on his family instead.
See the post below:
Davido Spends Quality Time with Family Amid Feud Between Cubana Chief Priest and Burna BoyDavido Spends Quality Time with Family Amid Feud Between Cubana Chief Priest and Burna Boy
Some fans have noted that Davido’s approach to the situation is unusual, as he would have previously been more vocal. Others have speculated that Davido and Wizkid may have switched roles, with Davido now taking a more laid-back approach to online drama.
Regardless of the reason, it’s clear that Davido is prioritizing his family and choosing to stay out of the feud between Cubana Chief Priest and Burna Boy. The singer’s fans will likely continue to watch the situation closely, eager to see if he will eventually respond or remain silent.
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